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She Takes Page 3

  “Beg harder.” Kim said between licks at Gary’s cock shaft.

  “Please. Please can I slide my worthless cock in to your perfect cum filled pussy?” He asked. Kim smiled against Gary’s cock.

  “That’s better…but show me just how bad you really want it.” She coaxed. She knew that he wasn’t going to last much longer, but she wanted to make sure that when he did cum that it was mind blowing.

  Nigel didn’t know what else to do, so he got down on his knees and burying his face in his wife’s pussy, he began to lick her. He could taste Gary’s salty cum mixed with her sweet juices. As he lapped at her, Kim began to moan.

  “Mmm…you must really want to put your cock in me huh? How does that cum taste?” She asked him.

  “So good!” Nigel replied as he darted his tongue inside her, lapping up the cummy mixture. The taste made his cock hurt. He knew that as soon as he buried his shaft inside Kim that he was going to blow.

  “Good…now fuck me.” Kim said, giving him the permission that he so longed for.

  Nigel got to his feet and grabbing Kim’s waist he pulled her slippery pussy back on to his shaft. The warm velvet of her pussy slid around him so perfectly. The slick cum that remained only making her wetter and his cock more sensitive. He pulled back and thrust forward, once, twice…that was all he could manage before the stiffness of his orgasm took over. His whole body stilled for a moment as the first shot of cum leaked inside her pussy.

  “Ahh!” He gasped as he thrust jerkily. “Ahh!” Another shot.

  “There’s a good boy.” Kim cooed as she felt his cum leaking inside her. “Give it all to me.” She wrapped her lips around Gary’s cock and sucked off every trace of her pussy from him. Then as Nigel slowly slid backwards, pulling his spent cock from inside of her, she opened wide and stood up straight.

  Gary’s cock was hard again, she could see it bouncing in the air as she licked her lips. She could give him the release he desired, but she wanted to make sure that she left him with a need for more just like she had done all those years ago.

  “Mmm…” Kim looked in the mirror and brushed her short dark hair off her forehead. She looked like a woman who had been well and truly fucked. She looked back to both men with a kinky smile. “I have to say, this is by far the best costume party I’ve ever been to.” Her eyes shifted down to Gary’s cock which was now glistening again with a small drop of pre-cum. It took everything in her to resist bending down and licking him clean. “We really should do this again sometime soon.” She bent down and picked up her panties from the floor where Nigel had dropped them. Handing them to Gary she smiled. “A little something for you to remember tonight by…at least until we do it again.” She said. He took them and held them firmly in his hand. “I only wish that I could take you both home with me tonight.” Kim slipped her bra back on and then stepped in to the feet of her bear costume.

  “Why don’t you?” Gary asked with a mischievous grin. “It’s not like I have anywhere to be…” Kim smiled back and looked over at Nigel who shrugged.

  “Well, we do have the house to ourselves all weekend.” He said, giving his permission for Gary to come home with them.

  “Then it sounds like we’re all heading home soon.” Kim said, sliding the sleeves of her costume up over her arms.

  Chapter 7

  When everyone was dressed, Kim unlocked the bathroom door and opened it only to find one of the slutty witch girls standing outside. Kim gave her a polite smile as she, Gary and Nigel all filed past her. The girl’s mouth dropped open, she could only assume what had just happened in there, but she was quite certain that she could smell sex in that bathroom.

  As Kim made her way in to the kitchen to say her goodbye’s to Carmen, she could feel the mixture of both men’s cum running down her inner thighs. Her costume was most definitely going to need to be dry cleaned. She wondered if dry cleaning was included in the rental fee.

  “Ah! Kim, there you are! I have been looking for you everywhere. I want to take a picture with you so I can show all my friends at work how cute your costume is!” Carmen said. Kim knew that the only reason that Carmen wanted a picture was so that she and her friends could laugh at it later.

  “I’m sorry Carmen, I’m actually about to leave. Nigel and I have a busy night planned and we really need to get going.” Carmen’s eyes lit up at the prospect of another party to go to where she could show off her tight Halloween costume.

  “Oh? Where are you heading? Perhaps Gary and I can join you there later and we can all have fun!” She was still trying to maintain the façade of her perfect world and it made Kim want to punch her in the face. Not just because she was lying, but also because she was still acting as though she owned Gary. Sure, she acted like she owned Nigel but that was different…Nigel got off on it.

  “Actually it’s sort of a private party.” Kim said.

  “Oh, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if we tagged along.” Carmen said, still forcing her tight smile.

  “Well if I’m being honest we’re just going home to fuck like rabbits.” The word ‘rabbits’ made her think of what Gary had said back in the bathroom and suddenly she felt really sorry for him. “And we’re taking Gary with us too. He has an amazing cock you know.” With that, Kim turned around and waddled out in to the hallway in her teddy bear costume.

  Gary and Nigel were both standing by the front door, ready to leave.

  “Come on guys, we’d better get out of here.” Kim said as she waited for one of them to open the door.

  “Kim…what did you do?” Gary said as he shut the front door behind them. He could hear her giggling from inside the teddy bear head.

  “Oh nothing.” She said, walking down the garden path with the perfectly placed solar lights on either side.

  “Kim…” Gary pushed.

  “I may have just told Carmen that Nigel and I were taking you home to fuck all night.” She giggled again. Gary was astounded, but he couldn’t help but join in with her laughter.

  “You didn’t…” He said between gasping breaths.

  “Yeah…I did. So we might want to hurry it up a bit and get out of here before she goes completely ape shit on us all.” Nigel was already at the car, holding the door open so Kim could fling herself on to the back seat. Gary got in to the passenger seat and they both waited while Nigel walked around to the driver’s side. Just as Nigel shut the door behind him and slid the key in to the ignition a tall figure came running across the front lawn. Seconds later eggs began to splatter on the windows and a tirade of Spanish curse words followed.

  “You might want to step on the gas.” Gary said with a chuckle. “She seems pretty pissed.”

  Nigel floored it and with a screech of the tires the small car pulled out of the upscale development. Kim lay on her back on the back seat and stared at the back of the big mesh eyes in the teddy bear head. She had never had such an exciting Halloween before. She reminded herself to thank Nigel later when they were in private, for pushing her to go. It had certainly been much more exciting than a bottle of wine and a soak in the tub.

  As Nigel drove them all home, Kim let the rocking motion of the car send her off to sleep. She slept lightly and listened as the men talked to each other of everyday things. She smiled contentedly as she let her body rest, she was going to need it for the night that she had planned.

  Just Like Animals

  Chapter 1

  Eleanor James was forty five years old when her husband decided that he would rather have a life with his twenty two year old secretary. She wasn’t so much devastated that her husband had left, rather that he had left her for an airheaded girl who was the same age as their daughter, Matilda.

  “It’s just not working anymore, Ellie.” He’d said one evening as they sat down to dinner. She’d made meatloaf, yellow corn and mashed potatoes. Ironically it was Jack’s favorite meal and it would be the last one she would cook for him.

  The following day, Jack packed up his clothes, said goodbye a
nd left for the office as he always did. Only Eleanor knew that that afternoon he wasn’t coming back. That is where her worrying began. She wasn’t worried for Jack, as far as she was concerned he could take a flying leap, but she was worried for herself. It’d been years since she’d worked. Jack had insisted that he be the provider and that Eleanor stay at home to raise their daughter. Even when Matilda left for college and eventually moved in to her own apartment, Jack had insisted that Eleanor stay at home. Now that he had decided that he needed a new life, however, staying at home wasn’t going to cut it and Eleanor was going to have to find herself a job.

  Eleanor began her job search that same evening as she sat down to her first night alone with a single serving TV dinner. Three weeks later she was still searching and had learned that hard lesson that no one wanted to hire a woman who had been out of the workforce for twenty two years. She contemplated batting her eyelashes at a few of the interviewers or worse, just finding another man to keep her in a way that she was accustomed to. Neither idea satisfied her however, instead she decided to scour the internet instead of the classified section of the newspaper.

  The phone’s shrill ring was what woke Eleanor the following morning. She groggily groped for it on the nightstand and regretted staying up until four AM submitting resumes.

  “Hello?” Her voice sounded as rough as she felt.

  “Hello, is this Mrs. Eleanor James?” Eleanor pondered the thought. Technically she wasn’t Mrs. Anything anymore except on paper.

  “Umm, yes? May I ask who’s speaking?” She said.

  “Yes, this is Mr. Fairfield from the Asheboro Zoo.” He paused briefly before carrying on. “This is a little…unconventional…but I find myself down three staff members after an unfortunate incident with one of our enclosures. And,” He sighed loudly. “Look, to be honest, I need the help and I’m tired of hiring twenty somethings that call in sick every other day or spend all day staring at their smartphones.” Eleanor appreciated his honesty, but she didn’t even recall applying to work at the zoo. What the hell would she do at a zoo?

  “Okay…” She said.

  “Well, would you be able to start this afternoon?” Eleanor’s eyes widened.

  “Umm…what exactly would the job require?” She asked.

  “Well, I’m going to need you all over the place picking up the jobs of the three staff members I lost. You’ll be floating around our Africa section of the zoo. I’ll definitely need you to do our educational talks for the elephants.” Eleanor opened her mouth to tell him that she knew nothing about elephants, when he added: “But that’s all scripted and the script will be given to you, so don’t worry about that.”

  “What time do you need me?” She asked.

  “Could you make it by 1:30?” He said hopefully. Eleanor glanced at the clock beside the bed.

  “Sure, I’ll see you then.”

  “Okay, when you get here make sure to park in the staff lot and come straight to the administration building and I’ll get you set up with everything you need.”

  Eleanor still had five hours before she had to be at the zoo, but it didn’t seem like enough time to prepare herself. She felt sick at the thought of working out with the public. Hell, she felt sick at the thought of working at all. It’d been so long since she’d had to earn a living that she was sure she’d forgotten how. After her shower she stood inside the half empty walk-in closet and rifled through her clothes. What exactly did someone wear to give an educational speech about elephants? She certainly didn’t want to wear a dress so she settled on a pair of fitted khaki pants and a plain white t-shirt with a slight V-neck. Looking like a safari tour guide was preferable to having someone’s unruly child peeking up her dress. She matched her outfit with a pair of brown hiking boots. Standing in front of the mirror she inspected herself. It wasn’t exactly a traditional ‘first day of work’ outfit, but it was the best she could do on such short notice.

  Heading in to the bathroom, Eleanor found an elastic tie and swept her long brunette hair back in to a ponytail. Jack had always encouraged her to put her hair up, it made her look younger, he’d said. Now, as she peered at herself in the mirror, she realized that he had been right. The longer she looked at herself, the longer she wondered if it wasn’t the ponytail, but rather the past few weeks without Jack that had left her looking younger. The man had always had such high expectations of her that she’d spent the last twenty five years obsessively cleaning, cooking and going to the gym to keep him happy. For the last few weeks she had done none of that, she had lived off microwave meals and left the house to take care of itself. Of course, without Jack there to make a mess of it, there was hardly anything to clean up anyway.

  Whatever it was that was making Eleanor look younger, she was happy with the results. Her beautiful brown eyes sparkled, the rounded apples of her cheeks blushed and her porcelain skin was smoother than ever.

  Chapter 2

  “I can’t tell you how thankful I am that you accepted the job!” Mr. Fairfield gushed as he shook Eleanor’s hand vigorously. “I’m just so tired of hiring the young kids and having them come in and think this is a place to socialize with their friends!” Eleanor nodded. “Don’t get me wrong, I have a great team now, it’s just when I have to hire new faces…” he shook his head, “boy do I hate that!”

  Mr. Fairfield led Eleanor through a fluorescent lit hallway to an open office door.

  “I understand! I have a daughter, she’s twenty two, and sometimes trying to get through to her is…well, you know!” Mr. Fairfield extended his hand, offering Eleanor a seat as he took his seat behind a large cherry stained desk.

  “ You have a twenty two year old daughter?” he said, his head jerking back in disbelief. Eleanor nodded with a smile.

  “Yes I do, she’s my pride and joy but kids today are so much different than they were when I was younger!” Mr. Fairfield shook his head again.

  “There is no way you have a daughter that old!” His eyes wandered down to her perky breasts and the outline of her bra through her white t-shirt. He licked his lips.

  “Well, thank you.” Eleanor had to admit that she liked the feeling of a man looking at her with such hunger, she just wished that it weren’t her new boss. He was everything she didn’t find attractive in a man.

  “Certainly. Are you…married, Eleanor?” Eleanor felt her palms beginning to sweat at the thought of giving him any type of idea that she was interested.

  “Yes, actually I’ve been married for twenty five years!” She said. It wasn’t technically lying, after all it was too soon to file for divorce.

  “Ah, he is a very lucky man!” A flash of disappointment crossed Mr. Fairfield’s face before he began to shuffle papers on his desk. “Okay, so let’s get right to it shall we?” He looked up again and after staring at Eleanor’s 34DD’s for a moment, his eyes lifted to her face. “I have you scheduled for the elephant educational talk this afternoon at four.” Eleanor nodded. “I have the whole spiel typed out here for you so that shouldn’t be too tough.” He handed her a sheet of paper. “Now, until then I would really like to put you in the Sonoran Desert Pavilion. That’s about half way between Africa and North America. We house our nocturnal animals there, like our bats.” He waited for a reaction from Eleanor but when he didn’t get one, he continued. “It’s a pretty busy exhibit, but since Niles isn’t here I really need someone to do the feedings for me.” Eleanor nodded. She was unsure about meeting nocturnal creatures in a dark pavilion, but it also sounded like a much better opportunity than shoveling animal waste.

  “Okay, I can do that.” She said cheerily. Mr. Fairfield nodded.

  “Oliver is in charge of things over there, I’ll take you to meet him shortly. He’s very knowledgeable so if you have any questions he will be able to help. He’ll be there for your whole shift too, so you don’t have to worry about being left on your own to figure things out.” Eleanor nodded again. “He’s quite young though, just so you know. In fact he’s our youngest
exhibit manager here at the zoo, but you won’t find anyone who knows more about the animals than he does.”

  Mr. Fairfield sat in the driver’s seat of the golf cart and patted the seat beside him.

  “Hop on in and I’ll take you over to the Desert!” Eleanor sat beside him and he scooted over a little closer to her. “You’ll find that you do a lot of walking here, but you look like you’re in fantastic shape so you probably won’t have to worry about that.” He reached over and patted her thigh with a smile. “Let’s go shall we?” Eleanor forced a smile.

  Although the journey to the Sonoran Desert only took a few minutes in the golf cart, it was a few minutes of agony for Eleanor. Her initial pleasure at having a man look at her the way Jack used to do was overshadowed by just how much he stared at her.

  As soon as the golf cart came to a stop, Eleanor hopped out and began to walk towards the nocturnal animal house.

  “You’ll find it a shock at first.” Mr. Fairfield said as he jogged to catch up with her.

  “What’s that?” Eleanor said.

  “Working in the dark. Most of my employees who have worked in here say that it’s a shock at first.” Mr. Fairfield pulled open the door.

  “I’m sure I’ll get used to it quite quickly.” Eleanor said, walking in to the house.

  The darkness in the house didn’t bother Eleanor as much as the black lights that were spotted around the exhibits. Black lights always reminded her of her crazier college days when they had held black light parties and had way too much to drink. Just looking at the purplish light gave her a hangover.

  Mr. Fairfield put his hand on the small of Eleanor’s back, guiding her through the darkness towards a door built in to the side of one of the exhibits. When they got to the door, Eleanor slipped out of the way and out of his grasp so that he could unlock it.