She Takes Read online

  She Takes

  Just Like Animals

  A Double Shot of Cream

  She Takes

  Cuckold Romance



  All characters in this book or publication are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons is coincidental.

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  Chapter 1

  Kim didn’t have time to make dinner and if she was being perfectly honest, she didn’t feel like doing it even if she made the time. It had been a long week at the office and the kids had been brats all weeklong. Now that she had finally made it to Friday afternoon and her mother was taking the kids for the weekend, she wanted to do nothing more than kick back and relax and absolutely not cook dinner.

  As she sat in rush hour traffic, she imagined the full bottle of red wine at home. As soon as she got through the front door she was grabbing the bottle, the biggest wine glass she could find and running herself a nice hot bath. She wasn’t going to let anything get in her way. She intended to spend the entire weekend soaking in the tub and drinking her way to a nice buzz. Then, when the buzz wore off and the water got cold, she would drink some more and refill the tub all over again. That was her idea of a relaxing weekend.

  “Hon? Is that you?” Nigel’s voice came from the kitchen as Kim shut the front door behind her.

  “Yeah,” she sighed, kicking off her shoes, “It’s me.”

  “Your mother already picked up the kids so I figured I’d start dinner. I’m making chicken marsala.” He said. Kim smiled to herself, they could really fight hard sometimes, but his heart was in the right place.

  “Thanks, love.” She said as she hooked her coat on the hook by the front door and went through to the kitchen. The smell hit her in the face as soon as she walked in and it made her mouth water. She hadn’t realized how hungry she was until she smelled Nigel’s food. Still, she needed to unwind before she sat down to eat.

  Nigel stood over the stove dropping chopped mushrooms in to the sauce.

  “How was work?” He asked, glancing at her briefly. Kim waved her hand.

  “Urgh, I don’t want to think about it again until Monday. Right now all I want to do is grab some wine and get in the tub. Can dinner wait?” She asked hopefully. Nigel looked at the oven timer, there was still another twenty minutes to go.

  “If you’re quick.” He said. “Or…I can just reheat it when you’re done?” He added, seeing the exasperated expression flash across Kim’s face.

  “Thank you.” She said, standing on tip toes and giving him a peck on the cheek. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.” He grinned.

  “Eat a lot of take out and pass out drunk in the tub?” Kim grabbed the bottle of red wine and a glass.

  “Hey, it’s a better way to go than to be eaten alive by hungry nine and ten year olds!” She said waving the bottle. With that she disappeared upstairs.

  Kim sipped her glass of wine as the water filled the bathtub and the mirror began to steam. As she waited she stood in front of the vanity mirror and inspected her body before the mirror steamed up completely. For thirty five, she decided that she didn’t look all that bad. Sure, her tummy had a little more curve to it but her breasts were definitely fuller than they had ever been in college. Her ass was just about the same, plump and round and still good enough to initiate cat calls from men on the street. Cat calls that always sent a hunger running through her body, being desirable was one thing that really got Kim going. She ran her hands over her full breasts and down to her creamy thighs, yeah, she still had it.

  Kim perched her wine glass on the side of the tub and stepped in to the warm bubbly water. As she sank down in to it and let the heat overcome her aching muscles, she gave a satisfied sigh and leaned back – this was true relaxation. She focused on her breathing, taking a deep breath in and then letting it out slowly, the way her yoga instructor had taught her to do. The yoga she had been to twice since signing up four months ago, but hey, who was counting. Besides, mothers of two children didn’t commit to yoga, they drank wine and…she couldn’t even finish that thought. The only thing that she could say with certainty that she did in her ‘spare time’ as a mother of two was drink wine. She took another deep breath. Combined with the half glass of wine she had already downed and the heat from the water however, it only served to make her feel light headed.

  “Knock, knock!” Nigel said. Kim’s eyes snapped open. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you, I just wanted to see if you needed anything?” He walked over and sat on the side of the tub looking at her. Kim smirked back at him.

  “No you didn’t, you came up to sneak a peek. I know your game.” She said playfully. Scooping up a few bubbles she reached over and wiped them on his arm.

  “Well maybe just a little peek…” he said, leaning over and peering in to the bubbly water and then leaning back.

  “Sorry, you’re not going to see much through all these bubbles!” Kim said, reaching for her wine glass and taking a sip. When she finished, she offered the glass to Nigel. He shook his head.

  “No thanks, one of us needs to be sober to drive tonight.” He said. Kim’s eyes widened.

  “What do you mean, drive tonight?” She asked sincerely hoping that he was suggesting doing something rather than reminding her that they had to do something.

  “That thing that Carmen and Gary are having…they invited us a few weeks ago, remember? Some kind of Halloween for adult’s party? The whole reason your mom took the kids? So we could go?” The more Nigel kept talking, the stronger Kim’s inclination was to drag him in to the tub with her just to stop him from saying anymore.

  “Urgh!” She groaned sliding further down in to the water until it was touching her chin. “Do we have to go?”

  “We said we would…” Nigel said.

  “It’s not even like Carmen is that close of a friend. She only invites us to stuff at their place so she can show off their fancy house and latest purchase. I like Gary and if it was just him I wouldn’t mind going but…urgh, I really don’t want to deal with Carmen tonight. Not after the week I’ve had at work this week.” She swished her fingers in the bubbles and looked up at Nigel, batting her eyelids coyly.

  “Come on, it could be fun.” He ignored her obvious flirting. “We can get out of our routine and do something different…” He said.

  “But I like our routine, that’s why it’s our routine…” Kim looked up at him pleadingly. He shook his head.

  “Nope, I’m not letting you out of this one. It’ll be good to get out and see other adults and talk about something other than the kids for once.” He stood up and walked to the door. “Your costume is on the bed.”

  “Wait a minute. What costume?” Kim asked. He had already disappeared out of the bathroom door. “Nigel! What costume?!” She shouted. There was no answer.

  With an even heavier sigh, Kim leaned back against the side of the tub and looked up at the ceiling. It was going to be a long and uncomfortable night of pretending to be interested in what other people were doing with their lives. She wondered what it was that made other people talk about themselves so much when they were out with friends. If she was going to be forced to go to this thing, the last thing she wanted to do was stand and listen to someone prattling on for hours about their computer programming job or their husband’s newest promotion. She wondered if her “friends” really had any fun at all. She and Gary had certainly known how to have fun back in college, but now that they had gone and grown up, their friends seemed to have become much more boring. Part of her wished that she’d never grown up at all.

  Chapter 2

  Kim stared at the costume laid
out on the bed and immediately regretted allowing Nigel to choose it for her.

  “SERIOUSLY?!” She shouted from the top of the stairs. Nigel appeared at the bottom with a wooden spoon in his hand.

  “What?” He asked innocently.

  “Seriously, you got me a teddy bear costume?” Nigel smirked.

  “It’s all they had! Well, that and a slutty sailor and I didn’t think you’d want to wear that.” He waited for her response. When it didn’t come, he kept talking. “I’m sorry! Really though, it’s all they had. It’s a couple of days before Halloween so the pickin’s were slim.” Kim looked briefly panicked.

  “I guess it’s better than a slutty sailor but fuck me, a teddy bear?” She said, shaking her head. Nigel slunk back in to the kitchen to avoid any further comments on his ineptitude at picking a Halloween costume from an almost empty store.

  Kim stood at the end of the bed staring at the costume. It looked fluffy and excessively cute, two things that she was not.

  “Oh well, I guess it’s better than nothing.” She said.

  Slipping on her robe she grabbed her wine glass and went down to the kitchen.

  “Everything fit okay?” Nigel asked, stirring the pan on the stove.

  “I didn’t try it on yet. I think I might need some help getting in to that one.” She said. Nigel couldn’t help laughing quietly to himself. “That’s enough of that. What are you going as anyway?”

  “You’ll see.” Nigel said, offering her the spoon. Kim sipped at the hot sauce and nodded.

  “It’s good! Really though, what are you going as? I want to know!” She leaned against the kitchen counter staring at him.

  “Robin.” He said without looking at her.

  “Robin? Like Batman AND Robin?” She asked with a smile. Nigel nodded. “Fuck me, what are we going to look like? A teddy bear and Robin?” She shook her head. “Are you sure we can’t stay at home?”

  “Yes. I paid good money for those costumes so we’re going to wear them!” He said, opening the oven and pulling out the chicken. Kim pulled out two plates from the cupboard and set them on the countertop.

  “Even if I promise you sex?” She asked sweetly.

  “Even if you promise me sex.” He said firmly. “I tell you what, we can leave after an hour if it really sucks, okay?”

  “Fine.” Kim said reluctantly. She had never not wanted to do something so much in her entire life.

  “Are you in?” Nigel tugged at the zipper on the back of the teddy bear costume.

  “Yes.” Kim said flatly. “If you laugh I am going to cut off your balls and carry them around in my purse forever.”

  “You think I’m going to laugh? I have to wear tights.” Nigel said, spinning Kim around and looking at her costume.

  “It’s really hot in here.” She said through the small mesh covered mouth.

  “But you look really cute.” Nigel said rubbing his hand over her head.

  “Not helping, hon.” Kim said as she sat down on the edge of the bed clumsily. “Okay, now it’s your turn, but don’t expect me to help you get in those tights because I can’t do a damn thing with these paws.” She held up two large paw covered hands and waved them.

  “I got it.” Nigel said, unzipping his costume from the suit carrier.

  Kim watched as he squeezed himself in to the skintight costume and she couldn’t help but snicker.

  “Hey, why is it okay for you to laugh at me but when I laugh at you I catch shit for it?” He pulled at the costume trying to make it fit his body.

  “Because…” Was all Kim could say as she cocked her head to the side. “Hon…do you think that maybe those tights are a little too…umm…tight?” She said, looking at the outline of his crotch. Nigel walked over to the mirror and looked at himself.

  “Umm I don’t really know? I mean, they’re tights so they’re going to cling.” He turned sideways and stared down at his crotch. “Well…I guess…hmm…screw it, it’s an adult only party right? Who cares?” Kim laughed.

  “Just don’t go getting excited about anything or you’ll make everyone blush.” She said. Nigel shrugged.

  “Eh, if I do, I do. It’s not like they’ve never seen a boner before and if they haven’t…well, it might just make their night.” Grabbing his cape, he Velcroed it to his collar and turned around. “Are you ready my little teddy bear?” He grinned. Kim shook her head.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be, I suppose.” She struggled off the bed and looked herself over in the mirror as she stood beside Nigel. “I can’t believe you’re making me do this.”

  “Come on.” Nigel linked his arm around her oversized fuzzy arm. “It’ll be fun.”

  “Mmm hmm.” Kim hummed as she took one last glance in the mirror.

  Chapter 3

  Nigel rang the doorbell and leaned over to whisper in Kim’s teddy bear ear.

  “If they don’t answer soon, I’m going to have an inverted cock to show everyone.” He said. Kim snickered. There was one benefit to the teddy bear costume after all – it was warm.

  A few seconds later the front door opened and there stood Carmen in all her South American beauty. It wasn’t enough that she had legs that went all the way up to her neck, she was dressed in the typical slutty Halloween wear to show them off. When she saw Nigel and Kim standing on the doorstep she laughed and turned to beckon Gary over. As she waved her arm, her big breasts jiggled barely staying within the plunging neckline of her dress.

  “Gary! You have to see this!” She called in her thick accent.

  “Trick or treat!” Nigel said with a grin before reaching over and hugging Carmen. Kim felt a twinge of jealousy.

  Gary rushed over to the door and clapped his hands together when he saw them. Nigel extended his hand to him, but Gary pulled him in for a hug.

  “You look incredible!” He said.

  “Just a little something I pulled out of my closet!” Nigel joked.

  “Oh! And Kim, look at you!” Gary reached out and bypassing Carmen, Kim gave Gary a clumsy hug. “Oh my God,” Gary stepped back and brushed his hands over the fur of Kim’s costume. “That is the cutest costume I think I’ve ever seen!” Kim laughed.

  “Where’s your costume?” She asked looking at Gary’s perfectly tailored shirt and blue jeans.

  “Urgh, I just haven’t had a chance to change yet! I’ll go do it in a second. Every time I try to slip back there, someone else rings the doorbell and,” he leaned in to whisper, “you know Carmen! Every costume she sees I have to come and look at it too!” Kim patted him on the back with her thick paw.

  “I’ve got the door, you go get dressed.” She reassured him. She wasn’t exactly sure how she was going to get the door without hands to open it, but she’d figure that out if the need arose.

  “I’ll be right back.” He winked and quickly headed down the hallway towards the bedroom.

  Kim had known Gary since before she had met Nigel. They had been co-workers in college and despite a brief fling back during her sophomore year, they had remained friends ever since. Things changed a little when Carmen came along, she was easily made jealous and she liked to do things her way or no way. Since her arrival, Kim didn’t see Gary all that much.

  Nigel ushered Kim in to the large living room where people were milling around with drinks in their hands. Kim looked around at the costumes. There were plenty of slutty witches, a few kinky devils and more than a handful of naughty schoolgirls. The men, for the most part, were dressed as devils and superheroes. Kim felt out of place, she tugged at Nigel’s cape. He didn’t feel her as he turned around to talk to one of him and Gary’s mutual friends. Kim felt ridiculous. Looking down at her paws, she realized that she wouldn’t even be able to hold a glass of wine. She hoped that the next hour would go quickly.

  Leaving Gary to talk to Adam, Kim headed for the kitchen. When she got there she found a huge spread of Halloween themed snacks and treats. They all looked incredible and Carmen had obviously spent the time to make sure tha
t everyone saw just how devoted she was to their having a good time.

  “You like the treats I made?” Carmen came up behind her. Kim nodded.

  “Yes, they’re beautiful!” She said in a muffled voice.

  “I know! They took so long to do, but I think they were worth it! Everyone has said how great they look!” She cooed as she ran her hand along the edge of the table.

  “They do, they look amazing.” Kim said, rolling her eyes within the large teddy bear head of her costume. “Oh, excuse me, I think I hear Nigel.” Kim slipped past Carmen as best as she could and walked out in to the hall. She quietly cursed Nigel for making her come to the party in the first place as she made her way to the bathroom.

  Sliding inside the opened door, she leaned up against it and pressed it closed. It was nice to be away from the judgmental eyes of Carmen, even if the room was pitch black. She reached up and flipped the light switch with her paw. The first few times she missed, but the third the light came on and Kim reached up to pull off her teddy bear head. She took a deep breath of fresh air. What had she been thinking agreeing to wear such a ridiculous costume? Dropping the head on the floor she went over to the sink and splashed some cool water on her face. Not only was the costume clumsy and frumpy, but it was also hotter than the depths of hell now that she was indoors. Reaching back, she tried to find the zipper of her costume but no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn’t get to it. Finally giving up, she sat on the edge of the bathtub and thanked God that she didn’t have to pee…yet. They were definitely going to have to leave soon.

  It hadn’t been longer than a few minutes that Kim had been sitting on the edge of the tub when Gary walked in to the bathroom and shut the door behind him.

  “Hi Gary.” Kim said, startling him.

  “Oh shit!” He said as his arms flailed in fright.

  “Sorry!” Kim laughed. “I figured I’d say something before you started doing anything you might not want me to see.”